Monday, April 23, 2012

Our new project

Well technically my husband's new project but I like to think he will let me help :)

I need some hands on learning when it comes to cars anyway. He still hasn't decided one hundred percent if he is keeping it or finding a different project car but I like it. We'll see...

Impala! He loves it. I know it. If he decides to keep it I will definitely be keeping up on blogging the changes and improvements!

My husband wants this picture on the left framed and hung up in his garage! I have to say it is a darn good picture ;)
The trunk... this thing was so gross! There was even a toaster in the back seat of the car. Don't really know why. My husband cracked a joke to the owner asking if the toater would go with the purchase of the car... he told him sure he could have it... He didn't really catch the joke! Haha

This is the gas cap! Under the back license plate. How cool is that?!!?

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