Sunday, April 22, 2012

$3 Yard Sale Tables

I found these tables FOREVER ago at a yard sale for $3 each. I got them for my kids to have as tables to craft on in their playroom. Well since we have carpeted rooms that is a no go so recently I decided to personalize them for the kids!!!

Super cute, right?! I love their little handprints so anything I can paste it onto I do! Bailey loves Dora (even though we definitely do no) so I added her. I was a little timid at first about adding a character because what about when she outgrows it? B ut I think she will love it forever because it was not only done by her awesome mom ;) but I have stuff from my childhood I would never buy now but because I have had it so long I treasure it!

I have updated them a bit since these photos. I painted the legs on Bailey's with zebra stripes and after much thought as to what to do on Matthew's I came up with the perfect solution! Superheroes!!! Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, The Flash, Batman, Superman and Green Lantern. While Bailey's stripes took all of about 15 minutes Matthew's ONE Batman leg took twice that! So his won't be done for a while but he will love it when he's older (I hope!)

 Bailey's awesome zebra stripes and Matthew's Batman, Superman and Captain America.

 All of Matthew's are still not done!!!


What did I get myself into?!

But it will be worth it!

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